Tips List

Q. Do you have any garage sale tips? Yes, here is the current list!

1. Don't behave like you need or want anything.

2. Always pull all the things you want over into a pile near the check-out table and wait until the end to offer a bundle price. Try to keep an idea of a sum as you go. If you offer a bundle price that is too low then just start removing items from the pile, the seller might take your price as they do want things to be SOLD.

3. When negotiating, it's OK to point out item flaws, this will help the seller realize their item may not be worth what they think.

4. Be friendly but don't get overly chatty, and don't disclose that you plan to resell it. Just say I just found these items interesting. Try to get in-and-out and onto the next garage sale.

5. Go as early as possible, even 30 mintes before they officially open. You want access to the best things.

6, Plan your route using mapping programs, such as yardsales dot come.

7. Have some cards with just your name and cell number on it in case you want to make an offer that they may not want to take right away. This is common when you are the first buyer and the seller feels their item is worth more. That said, being early they LOVE the fast sales giving them the feeling the garage sale was all the work setting up.

8. Be complimentary if the seller has done a good job setting up their sale.

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